Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Star Building Downtown Kalamazoo

Downtown, Kalamazoo-- Gladstone & Associates has acquired a new client. The Star Building owners in Kalamazoo Michigan have retained Dominick Gladstone as a marketing and promotional consultant.
You may recognize the Star Building as the former home of Kraftbrau Brewery across Kalamazoo Avenue from Bell's Brewery. The building is under reconstruction to utilize all of its three floors. The ground floor has been opened back up as an entertainment venue complete with a stage, seating, and food and beverage service for special events.
The most recent promotion is a Father / Daughter Dance on February 13, 2009. Tickets are on sale now--contact
Gladstone hopes to assist Star Building owners with the building's rebirth as one of Kalamazoo's hottest entertainment venues. Book your event now and take advantage of a great location in downtown.
Contact Dominick Gladstone for more information-