Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Reasons Why a Slogan is Crucial to Your Advertising: Part 1

Reasons Why a Slogan is Crucial to Your Advertising - Part 1
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Dominick_Gladstone]Dominick Gladstone

You may be an advertiser, you are definitely a consumer. So think about all the media YOU are exposed to in a day. Can you remember any of the ads you saw, heard, or looked at so far today?

Estimates vary, but the average American is exposed to thousands of marketing messages a day. Think about a visit to the supermarket-how many "buy me!" packages line those endless aisles? Add in your television, radio, computer, and newspaper time, and you can understand how hard it can be to be remembered by the average consumer.

So how do you make your potential customers remember your business? I would pose that a unique slogan-short, sweet, possibly humorous, perhaps rhyming, maybe a little ditty-is something that, when used in an integrated marketing plan, helps create a solid bit of real estate in your target's mind.

A slogan can add credibility to your product or service. People are likely to figure you've given some thought-and money-to your promotion, and will take you for an established, worthwhile business.

After all, if people don't remember who you are and what you sell, how will they buy from you? Studies have shown that rhyme, alliteration (repeating sounds), and rhythm all strengthen the power of words to be remembered. Add a little humor, or something unexpected, and voila, you have set yourself apart from the crowd.

Our brains can't help it, we like labels. It helps us organize information, and a slogan becomes your business's label. It helps customers know 'where to put you' until needed. And when your slogan is attached to everything you do, as a tag line in advertising, or the end of a broadcast spot, the repetition makes for familiarity, and familiarity creates a memory.

As a business manager or owner, don't you want people to remember you when they need the new or replacement widget? Develop a marketing plan that includes a slogan and you have planted a seed that will yield fruit when the buyer has their checkbook in hand.

This article is part 1 of 2.

To learn more about marketing, advertising, and public relations for the small to medium-sized business; click here: http://www.gladstoneandassociates.com

Dominick Gladstone has over 25 years of experience helping businesses grow.
Gladstone & Associates Inc. is a marketing, advertising, and public relations consulting firm that assists small to medium-sized companies who cannot afford a full-time ad agency.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dominick_Gladstone http://EzineArticles.com/?Reasons-Why-a-Slogan-is-Crucial-to-Your-Advertising---Part-1&id=1022193